I personally perceive Chuuya as a very intense feeler. Not as in impulsive or "just" empathetic; more in a sensitive way.

I think Chuuya experiences his own feelings much stronger, sometimes too much. I see him as a person who can feel the pain of others as if it were his own. +
I see him as a person who usually gets told smth like "Use your brain!" or "Don't make such a big deal out of it.", but as someone who feels more deeply and intensely, Chuuya is just more aware of subtleties of his surroundings.

Chuuya woke up with no memories, he's always +
been more self-aware of himself and his surroundings.
Even after he joined the Sheep he was forced into an adult position to take care and protect younger ones. His senses literally were honed on other people's wellbeing and to sense possible threats in their vicinity. +
Back then and still now with 22 we see Chuuya activating his ability, ready to fight, whenever something or someone he cares for is threatened. The use of "For the Tainted" is linked to his emotional experiences. +
Chuuya's whole life was practically based on relying on his gut feelings and instinct. The way he processes information is therefore heavy emotionally driven.

It's important for me to say that the ability to feel deeply, notice and remember a lot, can cause as much pain as +
feeling numb or indifferent like Dazai did back then. The over-stimulation from the force of your own emotions and the emotions you absorb from your surroundings can cause you pain. +
I totally see Corruption like an explosion of everything Chuuya has bottled up inside:
Worry, grieve, fear, anger; not just from himself, but also from everyone he cares about. +
To not being able to feel and to feel too much are brutal opposites, but they often develop from the same origins.

In conclusion: as much as Dazai needs Chuuya to experience emotions, Chuuya needs Dazai to balance himself out again. // end
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