There are hundreds of comments like this in the GME threads
$GME is a team sport
stag hunt? no, ape mode
variations of this speech get posted periodically. this was a get rich quick scheme, and it is still mostly that, but it's also about revenge
The best thing about $GME doing well is that it pisses off all the right people.
it's ridiculous to me that retail investors are "manipulating the market" but jim cramer expressing his financial opinion on a network show that millions of people watch is not. anyway, we all have a mouse pointer clicking on nice pete's murder machine.
the solidarity... 😢
explaining what a naked short ladder attack is to my dog
an unstable, volatile stock market is probably bad! which is why our fed should be cutting checks to the millions of unemployed people who are getting increasingly desperate and are grasping at any opportunity to pay their bills.
cut checks or wreck your stock exchange, the choice is yours president joe!
cute moments along the way
all these people who are hoping to catch a break with this boondongle
Is an earthquake evil? Is a volcano erupting immoral? Trying to evaluate the ethics of this event is foolish.
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