Random question thread

Engage & retweet biko đŸ„ș
1. Are you male or female??
2. Money or Love??
3. What's a relationship to you??
4. Do you believe there's still true love??
5. Mention 3 things you like in relationship??
6. Mention 3 things you despise in relationship??
7. What University do you attend (ed), your course and level??
8. Favorite social media??
9. Favorite hair style??
10. Favorite emoji??
11. Extrovert or introvert??
12. When is your birthday??
13. When was the last time someone tell you i love you??
14. When was the last time you tell someone you love him/her??
15. Tag a friend you met here on Twitter and you can't wait to meet in person
16. Ass or boobs??
17. When was the last time you went out to catch fun??
18. What is the biggest misconception people about you??
19. What's your dream country to travel to??
20. Define Twitter in one word??
21. What's your best abusive language??
22. Tata or skipping rope??
23. Suwe or rubber bands throwing game??
24. Ten Ten (kiso) or tinko tinko??
25. Eatery or bar date??
26. Girls can you kiss on your first date??
27. Jet Li or Jackle Chan??
28. Horror or Zombie movie??
29. Guys what is your spec - Slim or thick girls??
30. Tag your best tweep (s) you like so much
31. Biggest fear??
32. What do you love about yourself??
33. What do you most dislike about yourself??
34. How do you know if you like someone??
35. Do you have a person you don't ever wants to live without?? (non family)
36. How tall are you and are you happy with your height??
37. Which side of your family do you prefer??
38. What's the emotion you feel the most often??
39. @ someone and say something positive 😍
40. @ someone you want to meet this year
41. @ your favorite 3 accounts on this app
42. Favorite chocolate đŸ«??
43. What's the last lie to told??
44. Quote this tweet with your 2 best memes
45. @ your 4th and say he/she is ode 😂 tag with your full chest 😂
46. Do you find it easy to apologize when you're wrong??
47. Are happy right now, if yes why??
If No, why??
48. Do you find it easy to express your emotions??
49. Describe your current life in 3 words??
50. What's stopping you from having what you want right now??
51. One language you want to learn badly??
52. Last thing you do before you go to sleep??
53. First thing you do when you wake up after opening your eyes??
54. What's your favorite animal??
55. @ 4 tweeps to answer this questions
I hope you enjoy this thread and thanks so much for engaging. y'all are amazing and people around are lucky to have you. Let's be mutual ifb immediately...

Kindly let me know if i should do this next time or never to know if you enjoy it or not... Enjoy the rest of the day ♄
You can follow @d_reamz.
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