If this actually happened, it'd be a major jolt to the EV market. The federal government owns about 645,000 vehicles (the Postal Service alone owns ~225,000).

For comparison, about 1.6 million plug-in vehicles *total* have been sold in the US to date: https://insideevs.com/news/446419/cumulative-plugin-car-sales-us-august-2020/ https://twitter.com/gabe_klein/status/1353900264802029568
(Realistically, though, something like this would take years and years, and the federal government would likely wait until current vehicles are near the end of life before replacing them. So it's not like you'd see anywhere close to 645,000 new EVs all at once.)
This is a good thread on some of the big obstacles to electrifying the federal vehicle fleet: https://twitter.com/samori8/status/1354809507583455232
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