This critique of Trumpists eager for violence makes an often-overlooked point. The extremists don’t clearly stand for anything. They articulate no clear cause except, possibly, Trump.
The Civil War was about something: slavery. After generations of it, the new Republican Party said that “all men are created equal” meant something and that slavery must be restricted. The South fought for the principle of white supremacy, saying the Declaration was a mistake.
(If someone misled you about the cause of the Civil War, find the Cornerstone Speech by Confederate VP Alexander H. Stephens. He said Jefferson’s ideas “rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error.” He said Confederates would fix this....
... and when you hear references to the Confederates’ Lost Cause, capitalized, that’s what the Lost Cause was. An effort to edit the Declaration, more firmly codify racial caste and do away with even the abstract ideal of equality.)
What do modern-day extremists stand for? White supremacy again? Their critics say yes; but the extremists are rarely as coherent as Alexander H. Stephens. Immigration? Abortion? Anti-socialism? They just got four years of their policies and judges; what’s to complain about?
Possibly many sincerely believe the fantasies they’ve been fed about Q or about election fraud; but this article focuses on so-called intellectuals, who might well be fooled by the fantasy but might just as likely have their own reasons to embrace it. So what is their cause?
The writer above poses this question. What do extremists want to go to war over? Repeal of Section 230? Personal allegiance to Trump? He ultimately finds no answer except, he speculates, a taste for violence and the alluring fantasy of revolution. Which is to say: nothing.
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