“$GME Short sellers are not backing down”
Of the 10,000s of stocks you can possibly short , why?
“Reddit traders are irrational fools playing with Fire” uhh haha yeah and shorting a 100-130% short interest stock is what ? Graham and Dodd margin of safety ? $GME
“Regulators are likely to scrutinize the quadrupling of $GME . Yet for the SEC, fighting online commentary that hypes stocks is an uphill struggle.”

Volkswagen 2008 was a far clearer case of market manipulation. What did regulators do there? (Answer: nothing)
Why should the SEC do anything here (I’m open to concrete suggestions FYI)? A bunch of rich dudes shorted or stayed short a 130% short interest stock? And so the market is functioning as markets do?

Yeah yeah good luck with that, as far as serving public interest goes.
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