Americans never heard Trump's call with Ukraine. Many don't know where Ukraine is or why it's relevant. But everyone saw Trump prepare his big lie, unleash his coup attempt, incite the crowd, do nothing when they attacked. His guilt & the seriousness of his crime are clear.
He incited an insurrection against the United States. About this history will have no doubt. The only question is whether the GOP has become so corrupt and negligent in their duty to the Constitution that they will fail to hold him accountable.
Actually, that's probably a bit naive. We know the truth. They are going to let him skate on this. And then they are going to double down on his lies and divisiveness. In other words, they are going to send a message that the coup attempt was ok and that in fact, it is on going.
They are going to side with the criminal, side with the crime and present themselves to history...and to an anti-democratic movement. (And make no mistake, at the heart of the movement is racism...a desire to disenfranchise black and brown Americans.)
They are the Confederate Party embracing confederate style attacks on our Constitution in pursuit of Confederate goals. And they are sending a message that they will be that until there is an unacceptably high price to pay politically for such a view.
The Democratic Party and frankly all decent citizens must redouble our efforts to make that happen. We must harness demographic change and what we have learned over the past few years in places like Georgia to crush this Neo-Confederate, anti-democratic, racist movement.
In short, the great political job of work for the US remains precisely what it has been for 245 years--to defeat institutional racism as an organizing principle within a big chunk of US society & in addition, to finally & completely defeat the Confederacy after 160 years.
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