One serious problem among contemporary filmmakers and film critics is their inability to differentiate between 'political correctness' and 'political understanding'. And more often than not, 'political correctness' is passed off as 'political understanding'.
And the public too seem to be buying it.
'Political understanding' comes from a place of empathy and it is a long drawn, never ending process.
It happens when a creator or critic constantly keeps their mind open, critically engages, reflects, keeps things that stay relevant, discards those that are outdated and continues this process of engagement and reflection on an everyday basis.
Political understanding is never going to be perfect because it is almost impossible to fathom all the complexities of human and structural interactions. At best, one can acknowledge this but still continue to attempt and understand the world around as much as possible.
On the other hand, 'political correctness' is a lazy language that the power centres of a society have conveniently created for themselves.
It is a template driven check list of items which when fulfilled, allows the creator or critic to pass themselves as woke beings who have 'political understanding'. But in reality, they don't have any real understanding.
Simple because they have never really engaged or reflected about the society. It just gives them a certain instantaneous credibility in political discussions and makes them more powerful than they already are.
In a market where political articulations are increasingly getting commoditized, 'political correctness' has become a short-cut to make more profit. Which is why there is always a race between those who posture 'political correctness'.
Because the more politically correct you are, the more business you can do. And obviously, no one cares for any real understanding of the world around them.
Unfortunately, our filmmakers and film critics are an on hyper-drive on the 'politically correct' path.
In India, most of these individuals come from very homogenous Brahmin-Savarna castes and they wield 'political correctness' to primarily retain their authority in setting narratives. But sadly, they are very far from any sort of real 'political understanding'.
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