If anyone's pregnant here and are seeing this. Please make sure you have plenty of support for post delivery days and nights. You need to stay hydrated and you need to bfeed often. You need to eat right and stay away from junk food.
As much as possible go for normal/natural birth. If baby's position is unfavorable or if the labour has gone over 40 hours, don't exhaust yourself further. C-sec Warriors are great. It takes so much courage to go through that.
Stick to traditional foods of your region for post delivery diet. Your ancestors would have decided what's good for your body, precisely why post delivery you are at your Mom's (generally). Good sleep is out of question, food is the only comfort you get, don't compromise on that
Don't deprive your baby of your breast milk at any hour. If it cluster feeds or keeps feeding for long hours, don't say no to yet another feed. They take as much as they want and infants cannot overfeed themselves.
If your milk supply is dwindling or is severely low, only then go to Formula. Generally milk flows in according to babies' demands and is sufficient. But some mothers are differently endowed and need formula for their babies as their production is not enough.
Always swaddle your baby when someone wants to hold them. No skin contact with any other human. And make sure no random aunty sits on your bed where you sleep and your baby feeds.
If you have episiotomy get infra red treatment as long as you can. If you've had C-sec make sure you get no infection and visit your doc if anything gets suspicious. You may have developed hemorrhoids due to pushing,get immediate treatment.
Always Always help a breastfeeding mother. She may have sore/cracked nipple or engorged breasts or maybe on the brink of getting mastitis. Help if she reaches out to you. Take her to her gyno if you can. Not everyone can Breastfeed easily. Infants do not latch properly Sometimes
When infants do not latch properly it causes soreness and pain. The preemies take longer to adjust. The Mothers take a while to understand how to feed their child. It is natural,but not swift for all.
When Infants are colic, Mothers need to be extra cautious of the foods they eat. Babies' poop also denotes the digestive powers of the baby. Babies' first few poops is black and gel-like, no need to panic for that. As poop gets yellow, the baby adjusts to the outer world.
Infants are quick learners. They learn to throw tantrums very early. They also show their preferences early. If they start rejecting breast milk, start solids. I panicked and I stared solids in the 6th month instead of 5th month when she had started rejecting BM
But because I was adamant, I fed her BM for18M. BM is a great immunity booster, boredom-fighter and comforter. But as months turn into year, weaning becomes difficult. It is achievable nonetheless.
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