Hair porosity is the hair's ability untuk serap and mengekalkan kelembapan rambut.

Secara umumnya, ada TIGA levels of hair porosity, and there is a simple test to know!
3 levels of hair porosity:

1. Low
2. Medium
3. High

From this kita dapat tahu rambut kita senang nak absorb and simpan product ke dalam rambut ke tak
The test!

You'll need a transparent glass and water. Fill the glass with water.
Step 1: Sikat rambut yang bersih.

Means shampoo dulu, tunggu kering.

Step 2: Ambil helaian rambut daripada sikat and masukkan ke dalam gelas

Full video: 
LOW: Rambut terapung di permukaan air

MEDIUM: Rambut terapung kat tengah-tengah

HIGH: Rambut tenggelam dekat bawah
High Porosity hair ni rambut senang nak serap air and products, tapi senang juga air and products tu evaporate = frizzy hair!
Low Porosity hair ni pulak rambut dia susah nak absorb air dan products, tapi once all of it kena absorb, they will stay inside the helaian rambut longer, which is good!

Cuma rambut lambat nak kering.
Do you have Low, Medium, or High Porosity?

I'll share cara penjagaan ikut Porosity level in my next thread soon ❤️
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