Read this thread.

Joanna Cherry shows support for someone who attempts to weaponise the Holocaust and made a bunch of antisemitic comparisons.

When confronted with these actions, J.C tries to say it's the person calling them out, who is weaponizing the Holocaust.

We can read.
🦔 Joanna : Twitter has violated #FreeSpeech by banning Sarah Phillimore.

🪲 David : Have you seen these antisemetic tweets by Sarah Phillimore in which she weaponizing the Holocaust?

🦔J : You shouldn't weaponize the Holocaust, read this book.
🪲D : What? I'm not the one who weaponized the Holocaust, it's very clear who did that because it's right there in the screen shots.

🦔J : Read the book and grow up!

What an embarrassing interaction. Condemning the EXACT actions that you're trying to ignore and project.
Seriously @theSNP this is grotesque behaviour even by the usual warped standards I expect.
J.C. ⏺️ "X person shouldn't be banned for their tweets"

😬➡️"What do you think about these tweets in which X person weaponized the Holocaust"

J.C. ⬅️😐"NO, YOU'RE weaponizing the holocaust"
J.C. ⏺️ *Donates to a group that ran the 'Say YES to HATE' campaign"

😬➡️ "Why did you donate to a homophobic group?"

J.C ⬅️😐 "NO, YOU'RE the homophobic one, stop being anti-lesbian and anti-free speech, btw I sued a publication for calling me a homophobe. This is doxing."
It's still going?!?

J.C ⏺️ *Offers support for Sarah Phillmore after she was suspended from Twitter*

😬➡️ *People point out S.P's more extreme tweets.*

😬➡️ *Out for Independence condemn the support for Sarah Phillmore*

J.C. ⬅️😐 "This is defamatory, also I am a lesbian."
Joanna Cherry is now trending on my Twitter side bar.

This is like watching a car crash in slow motion, it would be exciting, but we've watched this exact same crash happen several times with zero consequence.

Maybe this time it will be different?
UK transphobia as the same 12 people wearing different coats.

Here we see Ann Sinnott of hate group 'LGB Alliance' thanking Cherry for her support of Phillimore, who has been banned from multiple platforms for her hateful conduct.
Here's my boring predictions for where things go from here :

1⃣ GC accounts start 'Istandwithcherry' and downplay what she has done.

2⃣ It trends.

3⃣ Cherry makes an “I’m being silenced” tour in the media.

4⃣“Free speech” warriors (mostly notable bigots) defend her.
The SNP needs to drop the #cherrybomb now or risk blowing the whole potty to pieces with her explosive bigotry and get flushed alongside her.

It's time to flush Joanna Cherry.🍒🚽

Ok, now I think I'm mixing up the metaphor too much...
Sure is weird how there are accounts defending Joanna Cherry's actions who suddenly fall completely silent when asked directly :

"Do you consider the tweets referenced to be antisemitic, yes or no?"

Feels like that would be a core part of your defence tbh.🤔
I feel like the take away from this and those still defending Cherry is that there is no line in the sand.

Those who would defend these actions don't have some tipping point where they'll say "now it's gone too far", if this isn't extreme and mask-off enough, what even would be?
If supporting those that compare condemning racism, transphobia etc, to the start of a holocaust & telling relatives of holocaust victims they're 'sowing the seeds' for a regime that 'engineered their deaths' for calling them out isn't 'the line' what is?
Here's a nice book-end to this saga :

@NicolaSturgeon saying "Transphobia is wrong and we must treat it with the zero tolerance we treat racism or homophobia.", seemingly responding to the transphobia within the party.

I hope it's not just empty words.
Update : The SNP dropped the Cherry bomb.

Now we wait for the 'I was fired just for saying biology is real' or 'I have been silences' media tour. 🍿🍿🍿
' Joanna Cherry ' is now trending on my sidebar again, so I'll keep this thread documenting events that led up to heir being dropped up for a little while.
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