I’ve recently finished my 1st round of CBT (therapy) & waiting for my 2nd more in-depth CBT (god bless the NHS). My diagnosis & cause, which I don’t need to speak of here, are linked to my lower socio-economic upbringing, which is linked to a lot of past trauma
Which in turn affects my anxiety levels, my worth, my body image, my confidence & of course very low moods.
I tweet this not for any sympathy but
I want to normalise the idea that we can talk and reach out to people or in fact the services that are available
It’s insanely important and necessary for all. So please reach out. It is incredibly hard to have mental health issues in normal circumstances, but under a pandemic. Like literally fuck off, that’s something else. And I salute and feel all of you going through that.
But also here is a call to men. Some of you may well know this. But you need to talk and ask for help. It’s not a weakness. No one thinks less of you. You can’t ignore it and it’ll go away. Asking for help, talking about your feelings, seeking guidance doesn’t make you lesser
Lots of people may well look at me and think he’s doing ok in theatre, he’s got his shit together, he’s a big guy. But any success doesn’t make you feel any better if your mind is determined to belittle it, I may be 6ft1 but that doesn’t stop me feeling about an inch tall
Men largely suffer badly from what they call ‘emotional illiteracy’. Which means they don’t have a very positive view on therapy, talking or reaching out (only 30 percent of people seeking therapy are men) leaving it mostly until crisis point. Crisis point sometimes is too late.
-76% of suicides are men
-Men are more likely to become dependent on alcohol & illegal drugs
-73 % of people that “go missing” are men
-87 % of rough sleepers are men

The common denominator in all these percentages are almost always mental health issues of one kind or another.
that’s just the percentages that effect the person who has mental health.
Think about this.
-86% of all violent crimes committed are by men
-2 women are killed a week by current or past partners (the murderers? All men)
-Almost one in three women aged 16-59 will experience domestic abuse (from men) in their lifetime.
These % are all completely linked to mental health issues & not reaching out for help or being able to be emotionally “literate”

In lockdowns everything I’ve stated prior has exponentially risen. People are suffering, being abused, being killed. It doesn’t have to be that way.
If you don’t talk, you pent up that rage or desperation, it has to go somewhere

If you don’t ask for help, you feel more vulnerable

If you don’t look after yourself, how can you look after others

If you don’t respect yourself, how can you respect the people you care about
It’s fashionable to say that mental health doesn’t discriminate, which is slightly untrue, it disproportionately affects people from lower socio economical classes, lgbtqi+, people from the global majority and of course men. BUT it can affect anyone, at any time.
We need to normalise talking, and normalise the idea that we have mental health needs.

So if you’re feeling down or helpless or anxious. Reach out. Because the consequences of not are too high a price to pay.
You can follow @ChrisSonnex.
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