A reflection beyond this show, but important to the discussion, is how the HIV/AIDS crisis led to distinct discrimination of bisexual people.

The perception of bi people as mere vectors that carried the threat into 'the straight world' was, and frankly still is, deeply damaging. https://twitter.com/JoshAlexCairo/status/1353279491355893766
Some of the more outspoken biphobes I've encountered have described me as an 'AIDS enabler', or similar - including on Twitter. This is decades after the peak of the crisis, but evidently it's a stigma that still hangs over bi people now.
It is not the reserve of straight people either. Recognisable gay figures like Christopher Biggins, in the last five years, have gotten away with not just bi-erasure on broadcast TV, but are on record saying that bi people are to blame for the spread of HIV.
The reality is that much as bi people still don't really get a look-in - even in ensemble shows like It's A Sin - there were countless bi people who lost their lives, and the stigma around HIV is core to much of the discrimination directed specifically at bi people, to this day.
HIV can't be passed on where the available effective treatments are applied.

Raising awareness of this fact is absolutely vital, for the wellbeing of people, the tackling of falsehoods perpetuated against gay people, and the safety of bi people who are not vectors for the virus.
And speaking through only a little bit of experience of this sort of discriminatory falsehood (there's a whole generation that got it a damned sight worse than me), bi men and boys also owe so much to the 'Jill's' of the world.

Invaluable allies who have long been there for us.
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