Marketing and advertising bullshit - A collection.

Let's start with one of my favourites... Accenture identify the steps required to achieve a 'transcendental state called "Brand Nirvana"
The time is now for 'zero-second branding'
Kraft no longer do advertising, they now do "actvertising"
We need to stop selling products and services! It's what the people want.
L'Oreal so bowled over by the creativity of influencers, they make them honorary members of their marketing department.
Gen Z issue an ultimatum: Brands are not allowed to make a profit until they've make a positive societal impact first
Forget sales, there's NO stronger measure of brand engagement that consumer conversation.
When a senior ad person hailed Facebook for their transparency
Shock horror as young people found to have better memories than older people.
Spotify reveals the groundbreaking insight that young people think old people are out of touch
Can't end without this gem. Edelman tell us that people want brands to keep them informed about the progress being made to beat Covid.
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