I'm seeing a lot of misleading news headlines this morning about the Canadian vote to designate the Proud Boys as a terrorist group. They are NOT listed as a result of the vote. Also, this is not how the process works, nor how it should work. /n https://globalnews.ca/news/7598355/motion-passes-proud-boys-terrorists/
Having the MPs vote like this distracts from the real issues with the process (lack of transparency, impact and effectiveness), and further politicizes a process that should be far LESS politicized.
As @leahwest_nsl and @StephanieCarvin noted, it sets a terrible precedent, and one that we do not want to see go further. https://twitter.com/leahwest_nsl/status/1353824393332486145?s=20
Look, I think we can all agree that the Proud Boys are vile, and there's a good chance that they'll meet the (poorly defined, and rather low) threshold for being designated as a terrorist entity. We all want to defeat white supremacy and hate...
But this type of interference in the process should not be celebrated. We need to support our institutions, create a more transparent process, strengthen rule of law. Not let our thoughts and feelings govern our actions.
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