Want to make money quickly? 🤔

$GME, $BB and $AMC almost all doubled in price in 5 days.🤑

Here's what's happening.🤓

🚨Warning🚨 You should not do this unless you understand it's gambling, not investing.

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A group of retail investors get together and have a virtual beer🍻 on Reddit or another platform where they can discuss stock picking ideas.

They target companies with weak metrics, potentially drying.😵

Most importantly, with low trading volume.😴

Then some investors from this group start to take a position in the stock.💸

They buy a lot. 💸💸

They put something like 25% of their assets.💵💵💵

They invest massively in options too. 💰💰💰💰

Then trading volume goes up.👆
Then, the stock price follows. 📈

At this point, it's just fun, but it gets some attention. 😲

More people join the group and trade. 😎

Short sellers see that and think they will teach those "kids" a lesson. 😤

So they short the stock thinking how easy it is to make money. 😂

That group is organized.🤓
They know how short strategy works.💡

They buy more. 💸💵💰
The more call option you buy, the more the counterpart must buy the stock to cover its position.💰💰💰

There's the cycle of buying more and more.♻️

Stock price surge, it gets mainstream.
The bank calls the short-sellers. 🏦
Asks to cover their short position. 🥵
Short sellers get squeezed. 😬
They must buy the stock to cover their potential losses. 🤦
Potential losses on a short sell are limitless.♾
The stock price goes even higher.💸

Where does this end?

When a fool can't find another fool to buy the stock at a higher price, thinking a third fool will buy it at a price even higher. 🤪
There is no value

This is noise🙄
Only a few make millions🤑
Many lose it all😢
It's a fool's game.🤪
You can follow @TheDividendGuy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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