1. Today's first love is going for @chainlink $LINK. And with a normie language! Let's start!
2. With the #ethereum's foundation, #crypto world changed. #Smartcontracts paved the way for today's development. It was a revolution.
3. So many things you can do with the smart contracts. Smart contracts are like you hire a guy just to do something you want him to do, and he doesn't question you. He just does it. He doesn't complain man, that guy is a soldier.
4. And with the combination of those soldiers, you can do so many things!
1st soldier has to get the money.
2nd soldier has to transfer it to #bank
3rd soldier has to sign a deal with the bank according to your strategy of investing.
Voila you just created @iearnfinance
5. But where do we get the data? How can those soldiers know the bank's interest rate? Or if we want to bet on a football match, where do we get the final score?
From http://livescore.com ? What if they say final score is 3-1 but real score is 2-1?
6. Meet @chainlink my fren. It works something like this:
First we need oracles to tell us the thing. We hire 40 oracles who don't know each other. And ask them about the final score of Real Madrid - Barcelona.
7. 38 of them said it's 3-1.
1 of them said 2-1.
1 of them said 6-3.
What do you think the real score of the match?
8. Of course it's 3-1.
The #oracle that said it's 2-1 may be having some problems with the servers, he is not that far from the real score.
But the last one is, WHAT THE F*** DUDE? REALLY? 6-3???
9. He is probably acting malicious, and we need to give him some punishment. Let's kick him out of the community or something.
10. This #decentralized network of oracles is so important for #DeFi. We need to get data from a network we trust. @chainlink made it real. So let's show some love to them.
12. Thank you for staying in tune! Let's ride the #defi train together! See you in another thread!
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