Dear @scullyp @KwasiKwarteng if you do not reopen the wedding sector fully from April - Sep and fail to financially support us then that’s it. The sector collapses. We are seasonal. We cannot open over night and we cannot recover out of season. It is URGENT you understand.
And remember there are about one million people between 2020/21 who are waiting to get married. Imagine the consumer losses if you let us go. A failure to address insurance means they are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Add to that the high % of women in the sector. Unless you plan to roll out free/affordable childcare & transform the workforce to insist on flexible working then you are driving women out of jobs or into the welfare state. It doesn’t make economical sense. @scullyp @KwasiKwarteng
There needs to be an urgent consideration of the supply chain, lead times, insurance issues, and also the societal make up of a crucial sector that contributes almost as much to the UK economy as the entire car industry. Substantially more than fishing. @KwasiKwarteng @scullyp
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