Zlatan’s career is actually laughable. How can you go to 7 European giants who have a combined 24 CLs and not win a single one? He achieved nothing of note throughout a career that spanned 20+ years. 1 TOTY inclusion 0 and BdOr T3 appearances in 20 years??
Most his achievements centre around 3 things:
1. His longevity
2. The fact that he played in so many different countries at a top level
3. The fact that he played at the best teams in their respective countries
He has 0. ZERO. World class performances at any stage. I have never in my life seen someone cite a Zlatan performance. All this for the biggest shittalker in football history.
At least when people like Mourinho bark they’ve achieved something. Zlatan is a nothing player who will go down in history for his loud antics and not much more.
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