To mark the anniversary of Edward Jenner's death we are celebrating his legacy of lives saved through vaccination and asking you to share how vaccines bring you hope. To start off, here are our top 5 facts about the impact of vaccination worldwide... 1/7 #VaccineHope
1⃣ Vaccination is estimated to save between 2 and 3 million lives worldwide each and every year. How amazing is that? Between 2 and 3 million lives saved, and countless others protected from serious illness and potential lifelong complications... 2/7 #VaccineHope
2⃣ Vaccination has brought about the eradication of smallpox, one of the most horrific diseases of all time. Smallpox no longer exists anywhere in the world outside of two secure laboratories and the world's last smallpox outbreak was in 1978... 3/7 #VaccineHope
3⃣ Measles is a highly infectious viral illness which can lead to serious complications. Vaccination is estimated to have prevented 23.2 million deaths from measles worldwide between 2000 and 2018... 4/7 #VaccineHope
4⃣ Globally 85% of infants received 3 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine in 2019. That's 116 million infants protected from three potentially deadly diseases through vaccination... 5/7 #VaccineHope
5⃣ Through vaccination, wild poliovirus cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988. In 2020, Africa was declared free of wild poliovirus. Wild poliovirus is now endemic only in two countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan... 6/7 #VaccineHope
We sometimes talk about vaccination as a miracle, but all of these achievements have been brought about by the ingenuity and hard work of countless people. Researchers, health workers, community leaders, scientists. Today it feels important to give thanks to them 7/7 #VaccineHope
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