How Tuchel could use Kai Havertz in the 4-3-3(A Thread)

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Tuchel primarily used a 4-3-3 last season playing a sole dm and 2 cm’s with inverted wingers, this is the same formation Lampard has used throughout the season with the main difference being the CF/ST.
Tuchel also utilised Neymar in this position asking him to drop deep and create as a CF type role. This would allow Neymar focus on his creativity to Mbappe with over the top balls utilising Mbappe’s pace. It has also seen his Xg improve going from +9.96 at LW to -1.10 at CF.
This CF role could be occupied by Havertz, he played a similar role last season. This coincided with his best run of form winning him a Bundesliga POTM. Similar to Neymar he outperformed his Xg and Xa in this role seeing the best output per 90 in this position.
This more advanced position would also bring the best out of Havertz with his main strength being his finishing in the box. With his Xg inside the box being a whopping -7.39, in comparison Lewandowski has a Xg of -4.68 in the penalty box.
Or he could play Havertz as either a CM or at RW. The CM wouldn’t suit the system Tuchel used prior with him using more defensive players in this role. And the stats don’t support this either with his main weakness being defensive contribution.
However as a RW Havertz seen his best Xg at Leverkussen at -4.27. This would also suit Tuchel’s system as he has always used a winger to cut in and let the fullback over lap which would work perfectly with James.
End of thread hope you enjoyed
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