1/n: Recently we have all seen this kind of things happening since december 2019, where just passing a law that doesnt goes with the interest or motives of certain people can attract huge riots, damaging of public property ,antinational sloganeering and what not
2/n : most of people and ofcourse raita wing all they do is running a s#itty trend by their IT cell thullas which they believe they are doing some information warfare and trust me BJP govt take these kind of trends as a heat map and remains in delusion that people are fine with
3/n: what ever they are doing rather than doing comprehensive data colection from general public than drew conclusion
4/n : Now lets come above this all political bullsheetery (typo intended) and talk about real problem,
5/n: The real problem is lack of govts total domination over violence, In india we are discouraged to buy arms and ordinance. because govt is meant to protect every law abiding citizen and punish those who takes law in their hands
6/n :for example in a civilized nation citizen is treated like how we train dogs we reward a dog when it rules like not pooping inside home and bark and cause nuisance but when it fails to we punish , hence it create a list of dos and donts in dogs mind this is what law
7/n : and constitution to citizen: This is called carrots and sticks policy
8/n : now coming to issue when these so called rioters so called farmer comes and removes flag and install their flag and police is seeing the tamasha it created a sense in general public that we can do anything if we bring huge mob along with us and In india if you have 4 to
9/n :5 lakh rs you can easily rent a crowd of odd 1000 people, same case was in shaheen bagh.
10/n : now think about it how pathetic a situation can become coz all political parties can easily push 100s of crores and get a huge mob to riot and lakhs and thousand of innocent people will suffer .
11/n : The solution of problem is only one increase the size of police force make them well equipped with automated guns ,snipers, sten guns, just lathicharge wont suffice
12/12:as much as i know modi n bjp govt they have no interest in police reform so this will continue to happen and with greater intensity each time . so yes we are in big problem
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