Thanks to @KimJellen many of us have questions that we would like Lue to answer @LueElizondo chime in and over time when allowed Lue could answer some of them.......Cont
1 Lue can you expand on the mankind's idea you put forward and what data if any did you find or is it just a hypothesis that Hal Puthoff did a paper on worthy of consideration.
2 At what levels of interest are there from members of Congress and is there a concerted effort to track down the so called CR programs that maybe illegal (fraudulent use of public the purse to fund them)
3 what partners are you and Chris involved with to help with this disclosure initiative seperate from TTSA ? and are they from government or the private sector or a mixture of both ?
4 Ryan Spraugue shared a message that "the best is yet to come" is this in regards to further data dumps and possibly the triangle from the oceans case that has made waves on social media ?
5 What is the current status if known as to how many in the corridors of the pentagon are wanting at least acknowledgement that visitors from elsewhere or here (mankind's) to be put out to the world and start to integrate it as a new science and a new paradigm change for us.
6  A question was asked in regards to the navy intentually trying to provoke the tic tacs into revealing themselves ie for more data collection and your response was to keep asking this question. it seems the navy are still at the forefront is there other branches doing the same?
7 Since you left AATIP has there been any new data from your colleagues in the program now (different program title I believe) that cast surprise and wasn't there in your tenure as program manager or confirmation of an element that you struggled to get further data on ?
8  timescale wise given the speed of how things have gone forward since 2017 what do you think the next couple of years will bring ? and most important to keep the news media focus on this topic ie data that is irrefutable such as clear videos, imagery, sensor data etc.
9 How has your view of the world changed and reality in general after involvement in the AATIP program ? what surprised you the most data wise that will shock people when eventually it comes out ?
10 Has any private entity contacted you wanting to help with investigating this phenomenon that we have not heard about and what plans do they have in doing so ?
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