If you like giving it from the back, regardless of which hole, you have most likely seen a lot in your doggy career and is familiar with what we're about to discuss.
What is a butt crack? Do I have one? Why does it crack? What can I do to make it look better?

As the name implies, a butt crack is what divides your buttocks into 2. Imagine having one big lump of buttock...eww.

So yes, you have one and that is why you should keep reading.
Why does my butt crack crack?
Your butt cracking can be seen as a white, scaly patch of skin and could be due to a number of things including:
Poor hygiene.
Dry skin.
Excessive skin moisture.
Fungal infections.
Bacteria infections.
Skin disorders.
Sometimes, the cracks itch.
Poor hygiene as it is so easy to ignore your butt cracks during a bath since it hidden and close it is to the anus you don't want to touch and so prefer to let dirt build up.
Stop this disgusting habit and clean up during a bath and after a pee or poo.
Dry Skin is when the skin dries out due to lack of moisture. Remember what your lips and feet look like during a harmattan season? Exactly. To avoid this, apply some gentle oil (baby oil is my best) to your cracks everytime you bathe. Don't skip them when exfoliating too.
Excess Skin Moisture sounds weird until you realize that the moisture is usually trapped sweat and has a nasty odor. If you're a fan of wearing tights under your skirts and dresses, you can't avoid some butt sweat. Your butt size also influences how fast trapped sweat evaporates.
Apart from the bad odor and discomfort trapped sweat causes, your butt cracks can irritate the skin and make it a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi leading to infections such as painful boils, intertrigo (a form of rash), ringworm, candida.
Other infections that can cause white patches in between your butts include: Shingles (especiallyif you had chicken pox as a child), Herpes (a STD), butt acne (yes, pimples).

Other skin disorders include: Eczema, Psoriasis, Lichen Sclerosis (all to be explained later).
Home remedies to treat white butt cracks:
1. Tea tree oil 3 parts to 7 parts of almond/olive oil.
2. Honey.
3. Oatmeal paste.
4. Aloe vera.
However, if it becomes painful, has pus, causes a fever or begins to spread, please see a dermatologist/doctor to avoid stories that touch.
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