Instead of fighting to keep a semblance of party democracy,everyone needs to get out now. Let the grown ups own the destruction of Labour. It'll be quicker-the longer your presence props up the myth it's left wing,the longer it'll take to die,the longer for an alternative to grow
And you must stay strong - do not crumble and vote for them in the local and mayoral elections. We must hasten its demise. It's rotten to the core and cannot be redeemed. It's for the greater good in the medium and long term for Labour to be wiped out as an electoral force.
& I wouldn't be saying this if it was just about the howling, shit smearing monkeys in the PLP. The problem is much bigger than that; the insurmountable problem is the utterly corrupt, right wing bureacrats who run the party. They're dug in. You're never getting rid of them.
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