While I don’t disagree with this tweet, I feel that it should be stressed that Silicon Valley became great due to men who didn’t bow down to prevalent social norms.

Steve Jobs, Steve Woz, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Marc Andressen and thousands more. https://twitter.com/akanazawa/status/1353956525358731265
They were open to everyone but didn’t necessarily bow down to anyone.
Technology and people’s love of technology was enough to let anyone in.
Diversity was irrelevant. There was no discrimination based on anything as long as you loved, respected tech and were talented enough.
Today the love and respect for tech has all but vanished away.

Instead we are forced to focus on things like these.

Not bowing down before the gods of diversity is enough to be canceled.

Politicians will always try to stick their fingers in anything which makes money
But dumb tech cucks will never take a stand or show a spine.

I don’t want to say “we as an industry “ because there is no we, there are only individuals.

So I’ll say if you as an individual truly love tech, try your best to bring back the same passion as Steve Jobs, Woz
Gates and all those great people did through your work.

Tech is magical, let’s keep it magical for everyone else who have the same passion for tech and wants to follow.
You can follow @VRisMagic.
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