With IP worth 75% of a business’ value why do less than 13% of them have IP insurance?

It’s fascinating to read the insurance industry’s perspective on this phenomenon

I find ATE insurance (& 3P funding) essential in many disputes - but BTE is better

The article makes a great point that many people forget. You may assume that you have contractual protection if someone in your supply chain infringes eg a patent but even if this contract holds up to scrutiny, the other business may not be able to pay the costs...
But if you’re involved in the infringing activities by making (or even keeping) infringing products, you could be one of the defendants on the hook (or even the only defendant) #insurance #IP
“Unfortunately, the forces of globalisation, digitalisation and recession only increase the likelihood of IP litigation” - a lot of patents have changed hands in the last year as insolvent businesses sold off assets.

Those purchasers are now looking for infringers... #patent
Many businesses who think they have IP covered under their general business insurance may be disappointed when they read the small print and discover that IP is excluded #IP #Patent #TM #copyright
Any policy should cover IP claims from all relevant angles to the business including: contractual liability re IP, defending IP disputes from third parties and suing businesses who infringe your IP (ie enforcement)

#ip #insurance
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