To keep #Berkeley safe from fires, focus on managing curb parking. Use permits, prices & stronger enforcement to keep evacuation routes clear. On parcels abutting slender hillside roadways, let people build all the off-street parking they want, voluntarily
Minimum parking laws are not an effective way to keep streets clear.

Research shows that off-street parking, especially in single-family homes & other small garages, is usually converted to other uses. This is hard to stop. Who knows what’s behind a closed garage door?
"Middle-class family garages, at least in California, serve mainly as storage units and storage/recreation areas...Our data suggest that 75% of middle-class #LosAngeles residents use garages in ways that preclude parking cars there.”
Managing curb parking, in ways that keep fire routes clear, is much easier than it used to be. Thanks to license plate recognition technologies – already used by #Berkeley – establishing & enforcing residential parking benefit districts has become easier and cheaper.
Residential parking benefit districts can simultaneously:

– keep curb parking on each block readily available,
– keep fire routes clear, and
– fund public improvements for your neighborhood.
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