If one follows cautions and has right temperament occult is a terrific art, else it invites disaster. Every powerful shakti needs caution. You can't even drive you car without caution, what to speak to entering into occult zones. In my view some entity appeared to the family..1/n
Pretending to be someone spiritual, saintly etc, starts guiding them for some time and miraculous good results come, until finally it shows it's true nature and wrecks havoc. Worse, post-death the souls remain trapped in the realm of that being like slaves. 2/n
Regular shradda rituals done by ordinary priests do not have the Shakti to liberate such trapped jivatma-s from the realm of these deadly ferocious entities. This needs special powers, or blessings from someone high up. 3/n
Between adhyatmik realm and earth there are many sukshma worlds inhabited by strange &powerful entities such as pisaca, pramatha, gandharva, kinnara, yaksi up to yogini-s, beyond their world lies devatas. This is the dangerous intermediate zone of half-truths and delusions n/n.
Of course any devata can protect a person from all these realms/beings but remember devata-s do not like to come down and interfere so easily - hence so much tapasya and sadhana and self-transformation is needed before a devata truly decides to take someone under His or Her care.
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