Where is the self reflection? Harm reduction? Historical contextual? Trauma informed communication practices? Analysis of power?

Where is the joy, the rest, the gentleness?
I do not see other activists losing their shit like this. So why is Klamus rewarded and celebrated here for the martyrdom?

Why are his big white man feelings relevant to all of us?


They aren’t actually relevant to us but patriarchy packages up men’s feeling and sells them back to us as relevant news.
Here’s the other truth: you can teach people about climate change without spreading your trauma and pain around. It IS possible. You don’t have to hurt people in order to teach them. AND you don’t have to erase other kinds of pain as irrelevant.
But! If you don’t want to hurt other people, guess what? You have to care about other people and not diminish their internal process and experience with this information.

You have to *midwife* people through this information with great compassion and integrity.
In short, I am appalled by the editorial decisions to highlight his pain as singular and nobel. It’s not.
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