Psychology perpetuates the lie that negative behaviors of victims of capitalism are diseases and the destructive behaviors of the ruling class are never considered a problem.

But - the ruling class' addiction to the hoarding of wealth is more deadly than all drugs put together.
The DSM, which is the Bible of psychiatry and psychiatry and is an encyclopedia of all mental disorders, conveniently leaves out behaviors based on greed and accumulation of capital which are destroying the lives of billions as well as the planet.
The ruling class' pathological obsession with hoarding more and more wealth at the expense of the human dignity of the underclasses not only widens inequality but intensifies social disconnection as well.
The chronic depression and overuse of substances that result from this social disconnection are often seen as organic diseases stemming from genetics or brain anomalies instead of a direct result of the destructive system of modern capitalism.
The ruling class then gets even richer off the populations' attempts to find balance in an unbalanced world as big pharma rakes in grotesque profits by medicating and 'treating' these behaviors. This medical gaslighting keeps the population scared, powerless and dependent.
Blaming it all on the 'genes' ensures that we see individuals as sick and defective and never question the system which made them that way. All the while, inequality and social disconnection continue to grow.

Capitalism is the disease that needs to be eradicated.
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