The January 6th vote is as irreconcilable for the GOP as was the Kansas/Nebraska act for the Whigs. It has broken the GOP in two. @mattgaetz has declared Trump as the forever leader of the Republican Party and more ominously “The America First Movement”. Like its ‘85 year old
Namesake, it is a fascist movement. In 1941 it’s spokesperson was an American hero, turned fascist and Nazi sympathizer named Charles Lindbergh. Today that movement continues to be led by Donald Trump and his chief lieutenants @HawleyMO @SenTedCruz @RonJohnsonWI @GOPLeader.
This is an autocratic movement that is fueled by conspiracy theories, lies and the menace of violence. @mattgaetz has decided to travel to the 44th state, Wyoming to attack @Liz_Cheney who is the Conservative leader of the House of Representatives and the Leader of the House GOP
Democracy Caucus. He is an errand boy for @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy saw his campaign to become Speaker fall limp a few years back and he became the Edie Haskell of the GOP Conference to the Freedom Caucuses Mrs. Cleaver. The GOP rush chairman has decided that
@Liz_Cheney owes an explanation to the members of the sedition caucus who voted to nullify millions of black votes from states that had certified the results for the purpose of making the loser of the campaign the winner which would have ended the 244 year old Republic.
. @GOPLeader is putting on a clinic of dimwhittitness. He is acting from weakness. He is cornered and has decided to show strength by posturing towards @Liz_Cheney to appease the Trump/fascists/autocrats that have wrecked the party. The money is gone. Trust me when I say this,
Corporate America will not fund the 527’s ,c4’s/ Leadership Pacs/ ect...of the 147 Members who voted to ratify the aims of the violent attack that killed 6 people. @GOPLeader incited that attack with his lies. He told his Members that it was an easy vote to decertify the results.
He is both too dumb and cynical to realize the cliff he led them over. They voted to disenfranchise millions of black employees, veterans, customers and fully equal American Citizens. He gave birth to the new Jim Crow and that is exactly what it is. @GOPLeader
. @HawleyMO are all in league with the insanity of the Oregon, Arizona and Texas parties. They have become consumed by Qanon and the insanity birthed from a million lies. @GOPLeader is unsteady and flailing. He betrayed his oath and finds himself in a political coalition that
Is filled with violent proud boy fascists, white supremacists,
Conspiracy theorists, seditious militias and cynical liars for profit. @GOPLeader has made his bed and now he is doubling down. He has decided his error was wavering in defense of Trump. He has become an apostate
Inside the Trump cult and a pariah to Civil Society and corporate America. He is going to try and ride the tiger while winking at Wall Street, Silicon Valley and all the rest of Corporate America. It won’t work.
All autocratic movements go through cycles of purges. The GOP civil war is on the edge of its commencement. Either the democracy caucus or autocracy caucus will prevail. There is no place to compromise. It’s zero sum. @ProjectLincoln @reedgalen @stuartpstevens @TheRickWilson
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