My interpretation about the song fine line and shrooms 🍄

cw // drugs, anxiety, depression
I’ve always thought Fine Line is about a long term relationship (for a good thread check out grace’s thread below)
But I also think it is more generally about the duality of emotions: good and bad, love and hate, happy and sad etc.
The refrain “we’ll be a fine line” transitioning into “we’ll be alright” is about realizing the duality of these emotions, and the fine line between the two emotions transitioning into the acceptance of both.
I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for the past few years; and I also have a degree in psychology. I’ve studied psychedelics a lot during my undergrad degree as I want to ultimately do psychedelic assisted therapy for trauma and depression.
In October, I decided to try shrooms. I was very safe and did them outside with my boyfriend who had done them before. It was one of the most beautiful and meaningful days of my life.
During that experience I thought about a lot of things, and life in general. The overarching feeling I had was just how everything was okay, and how I was alright. I didn’t care about the time, or the bug that landed in my hair, or what I looked like; it was just me and nature.
Psilocybin (the active ingredient in shrooms) causes a huge release of serotonin in the brain which causes visual effects and the euphoric feeling. But it also causes something called “ego dissolution” where you lose your subjective sense of self identity.
You are able to feel okay about the good and the bad and everything in life because your subjective ego no longer has power over your thoughts during the trip.
Fine Line to me is about feeling the good and the bad emotions, particularly in a relationship, and realizing that it’s okay, that it’s alright.
Harry has said that he used shrooms while writing the album, so the song Fine Line to me represents the inner perspective he may have gained while on those trips and how it relates to negative emotions he’s experienced in his long term relationship and in life.
Side note—the line “you sunshine you temptress” is my favorite line from the whole song because of how connected I felt to the sun. The sun gave me energy in a completely new way, and I felt like it was literally tempting me to stay in its rays forever.
But I can also see how this line can be about a person; especially Mr. Louis Tomlinson who is the actual sun. I just wanted to share my personal connection to that line.
Anyway, thanks for reading my thread! I am always open if anyone has questions about my experience, or wants to comment on my interpretation, or just had questions about psychedelics in general!
I also want to note I am 23, and made the conscious decision to use a mind altering substance with a lot of education about the pros and cons. Please be careful, especially if you are young! Again, my dms are always open if you are curious!
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