1/8 @IvanOnTech says that $XLM will fall down the rankings and these new and sexy DeFi tokens will climb up to the top 20.
I enjoy listening to Ivan’s shows but, on this matter, ❌❌ I COMPLETELY DISAGREE ❌❌ and
2/8 would like to make a number of points as to why $XLM is the BEAST of WALL STREET!!

Firstly, we can’t ignore the facts Stellar already has higher total transaction volumes than ETH and XRP TODAY!!
Stellar’s Relevant Assets Tx volume increased > 1,800% in 2020.
3/8 We can’t ignore the facts that Stellar is well-positioned with partners like @Securrency to absorb potential blows from regulators as there are SEPs which enable regulatory compliance.
4/8 We can’t ignore the fact that there will be more regulated financial institutions that will issue assets on Stellar. We cannot ignore the openness of the system which allowed Franklin Templeton, a $700m+ investment fund, to apply to the SEC to issue a fund on Stellar
5/8 even without dialogue with the Stellar Development Foundation.

Trillions of dollars are at stake and it’s not some poxy plastic DeFi application that a regulated financial institution, who’s required to meet their fiduciary obligations of $Billions/Trillions, will build on.
6/8 These institutions are unlikely to approach Tom, the whizz kid, who builds D’Apps in his pyjamas, because it takes a much broader team to build and develop these protocols. They’re far more likely to partner with companies like Deloitte and/or IBM.
7/8 Is there money to be made in DeFi? Absolutely there is... I’m not Stellar’s Peter Schiff... so for now, by all means, party on but I hope, like in 2018, we’re all aware that the music will stop and many DeFi projects will be unseated.
8/8 Billions are being played with on ETH DeFi but, what some people don’t seem to realise, is that blockchains like Stellar, Cardano and Algorand are playing in the $Trillions field.
I’d recommend that Ivan starts off by visiting the http://stellar.org  website.
You can follow @pipsielot.
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