Terminology thread:

rate ≠ risk
infection ≠ disease
quarantine ≠ isolation
social distancing ≠ physical distancing
prolonged PCR positivity ≠ shedding
virulence ≠ transmissibility

References to follow
4/ social distancing ≠ physical distancing

"Social distance" is a term previously used for differences due to class and race

Public health should (arguably) never have used this term, since physical distance is what we need for infection control https://www.cabinetmagazine.org/kiosk/scherlis_lily_30_april_2020.php
5/ prolonged PCR positivity ≠ shedding

Prior to 2020, viral shedding was a term used when live virus was released from cells and from there sometimes to other people / hosts

PCR positivity often reflects the detection of dead viral fragments, not necessarily live virus
Happy for corrections, clarifications, or better references for any of these!
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