America is not Weimar Germany or the late Roman Republic bound to share their fates as some have claimed. America is simply stuck in a late 20th century Cold War-era policy straightjacket which hasn’t fully caught up with the speed and scale of change in today’s world 1/
Controversial though it may be to many who make a living from these assessments, but I think Trump was America’s first 21st century President. The fumes of the old policy consensus have faded and we are in flux, made harder by Covid, to achieve a new realignment and consensus 2/
Recall what often happens with real and metaphorical revolutions. First you have a period of chaos and more radical thinking, then an attempted reactionary restoration of what came before and then a pragmatic middle ground. 3/
Biden represents the attempted restoration of the stale consensus that has been discredited with much of the public, which grew exhausted with the persona of Trump. Obviously, what really matters is who and what comes after Biden. Which policy direction will we ultimately choose?
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