Some facts from the 2019 election that are not spoken about enough and what they mean for Canadian and especially Canadian Conservative politics... #cdnpoli
1. Of the 20 closest ridings (in terms of % of popular vote) the Liberals won 15/20 we (the Cons) won 3 and the Bloc Québécois won 2.

2. EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 20 largest blowouts were ridings that voted conservative. #cdnpoli
3. The margins in those 20 ridings range from an absolutely ABSURD 80.5% in Battle River-Crowfoot to a less absurd but still absurd 61.6% in Sherwood Park-Fort Saskatchewan. #cdnpoli
I want to be clear here, these figures do not represent the % of the vote earned by the Conservative candidate in those ridings, but rather the % that candidate received MINUS the % received by their closest competitor. #cdnpoli
4. Largest % of vote received by a Conservative candidate: 85.49% (Battle River-Crowfoot)

5. Largest % of the vote received by a Liberal candidate: 62.19% (Scarborough-Rouge Park) #cdnpoli
6. # of Conservative Ridings won with over 80% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 10 (8.2%)

7.# of Liberal ridings won with over 80% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 0 (0%) #cdnpoli
8. # of Conservative ridings won with over 70% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 27 (22.3%)

9. # of Liberal ridings won with over 70% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 0 and 0% #cdnpoli
10. # of Conservative ridings won with over 60% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 39 (32.3%)

11. # of Liberal ridings won with over 60% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 5 (3.2%) #cdnpoli
12. # of Conservative ridings won with over 50% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 57 (47.1% of ridings won)

13. # of Liberal ridings won with over 50% of the vote (and % of total ridings won where this was true): 54 (34.3% of all ridings won) #cdnpoli
TLDR Our voter spread is shit and we focus too much on a base that is geographically concentrated and thus less valuable from an electoral perspective. Waste of effort and votes.
Who cares if we win certain seats with 80% of the vote or with 51% of the vote. #cdnpoli
We waste too much time and effort pandering and gearing the party towards parts of the country that vote for us with 70%+ margins and it would be strategically sound to sacrifice large swaths of those voters in return for 7-10% in places like the GTA and Atlantic Canada. #cdnpoli
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