Joe Biden ran saying he could work & pass legislation by reaching across the aisle. He has not been in office a full week yet & people are on here expecting Chuck Schumer to have blown up the filibuster or gone nuclear to deal with what was a moot argument by McConnell.
Everyone knew the filibuster was going nowhere. You need 60 votes for cloture. Mitch knew that & he was trying to force Schumer into going nuclear to break Mitch's blockade over something that was moot. Schumer would have looked stupid had he gone nuclear over a moot argument.
Schumer changing the rules now & going nuclear would have hurt Joe Biden who ran saying he wanted to reach across the aisle to pass legislation. In the 5 days, that Joe Biden has been there, he already has a bipartisan working group in place. Jen Psaki gave an expiration date.
They also said it was a negotiation. People know how negotiations work. You start high & meet in the middle. Psaki already said if their working group does not pan out by March they would go to reconciliation for their Covid bill. So why not give Joe Biden a chance to work?
If anyone thinks Manchin, Tester, Sinema being out there today wasn't coordinated by Chuck Schumer, I don't know what to say. They neutered Mitch's moot argument. Biden's goal of confirming his cabinet & pass legislation is in tact & Schumer didn't need to play all his cards yet.
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