Did you know the Bible reading for Trump's Inauguration was not from any world-wide known Bible?

Cardinal Timothy Dolan did the inauguration prayer ceremony of Trump by reading scriptures from the Freemason's most holy book called the Wisdom of Solomon.
He did this immediately after which, Pope Francis ordered all Freemasons to be expelled from the Church.

The passage he prayed from is very similar to Solomon’s prayer for wisdom in 1 Kings 3. But, it’s not the version Protestant Christians know, because it’s not in the Bible.
Wisdom of Solomon is one of the books found in a collection of early Jewish writings that Protestants call “The Apocrypha.”

On 18 February 2016, Pope Francis publically declared that Trump was not a Christian in order to influence the American election.
Donald Trump is the leader of the Freemasonic forces retaking control of America to coincide with the 300th anniversary of their main lodges founding in London on 24 June 1717, and whose members actually created the United States.
Pope Frances and his globalist allies may, indeed, have met their match—and unlike what occurred at dawn on Friday, 13 October 1307, when these modern Freemasons “Brothers of Solomon” (known in the West as the Knights Templar) were eradicated by the Roman Catholic Church.

Dark to LIGHT.
These people are sick.

In Freemasonry, the darkness which envelops the mind of the uninitiated being removed by the bright effulgence of Masonic light, Freemasons are appropriately called the "sons of light."

Dark to light is a Freemasonic phrase.
Masonic Lambskin Apron

In the Bible, a white lamb was an emblem of innocence. In most ancient religions, an apron was worn by religious leaders as an honorary badge.

It expresses the importance of keeping oneself pure from moral vices. It’s a reminder of cleansing one’s body.
The Hive-Mind is alive and well.

Surprisedly, the hive symbolizes the Freemasons.

The concept behind the hive is to gather people with similar interests who can cooperate.

The beehive also symbolizes a form of work known as industry and the craft’s different work types.
[Corn] harvest.

During King’s Solomon times, laborers paid their wages using corn. Ancient master masons received a sheaf of corn as payment.

It symbolizes benefits and the rewards earned by those before us and the importance of partaking charitable activities. Corny!
Through the looking glass.
They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls.

An HourGlass in Freemason is used to represent multiple concepts. However, it symbolizes two significant allusions; time and death.
Apply the Keystone.
Paint the picture.

The Masonic Keystone has eight letters engraved; HTWSSTKS, which stands for ‘Hiram The Widow’s Son Sent To King Solomon.’

The letters HTWSSTKS are carved on the grave headstones of Royal Arch masons who surpassed the third-degree level.
The number seven is sacred in the bible. Historical biblical recurrences are denoted by number 7. For instance, Solomon built the Temple for seven years.

President Trump entered the Presidency when he was 70 YEARS, 7 MONTHS, AND 7 DAYS OLD! 777! Boom!

Revolution time, Patriots!
The floor of Masonic lodges is made of mosaic pavements; various stones joined together to form a pattern in the form of painting. It is said that King Solomon’s temple flooring incorporated black and white mosaic pavements.

Doesn't it remind you of chess?
We are watching a chess match!
We are watching a movie.

Enjoy the Revolution!
Here is Trump decked in a Masonic robe. We are watching the Second American Revolution.

Remember the Banking Act of 1871? That was America being given over to the ROTHSCHILD.

We are watching a ROTHSCHILD and Masonic battle.
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