thread of questions for non-canadians; good luck! ❤️ (answers at the end)
1. let’s start off easy!
what is his name + what is his job?
2. how many provinces/territories does canada have? (states)
3. what is this?
4. what is the capital city of canada?
5. what city is this?
6. what is in the middle of the canadian flag?
7. when is canada day?
8. what is this building called and what city is it in?
9. name 3 provinces/territories in canada? (states)
10. what does this place sell?
11. name 2 musicians from canada
12. name 3 canadian sports teams
13. what is this and where is it located?
14. what are the two national languages of canada? (hint: quebec)
15. what is this region called?
16. what are these people called?
17. what is this place called?
18. what is this company called and what do they do?
19. what are the two national sports of canada? (hint: one is a summer sport and one is a winter sport)
20. what is the most populated city and how many people do you think live there?
21. what is this place called and which country does it share it with?
22. what is the national anthem called?
23. what is this region called?
how many did u get correct?
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