I was a foster kid who was screwed over by the system and forced to move in w an abusive mom. I now live in poverty wondering if anyone will ever love me with mental illness so severe I'm considered disabled. But yeah sure abortion is the biggest tragedy that could ever exist. https://twitter.com/GovAbbott/status/1352679451822317570
Prolife until it's a poor kid right? Prolife until it's a troubled teen. Prolife until it's a drug addict. Prolife until it's a disability. Prolife until it's a traumatized childhood. Prolife until it's a cry for help. Prolife until it's a trans person. Prolife until it's
I could also go into the racial improprieties of the foster care system and how black mothers, teens, and children don't have access to the things they need as well. Or the fact that they take free clinics from poor areas and limiting education funding, so sex ed programs are ass
Which in turn leads to higher teen pregnancy rates especially in lower income areas and without women's clinics or access to health care, young girls have to have children they can't care for. Which contributes to the wealth inequality, but hey, what do i know I'm poor so am dumb
Republicans only want poor women to continue to have children so they can have someone to compare to and complain about when it comes to wealth
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