The viral meme showing an African rock python and #berniesmittens is *hilarious* but also got me thinking about human-eating snakes again.

CW: death by snake #thread 1/
Anyway, back in 2012, I wrote a blog post on records of snakes that eat people. There wasn't much. 3/
The main known records concerned the Agta people of the Philippines, who hunted pythons for meat and were also... hunted by the pythons for their meat. See 4/
No, I mean that people have actually been killed and eaten by pythons. The first I know about happened in 2017, when Akbar Salubiro went missing in Sulawesi and was later found in a reticulated python's stomach. 6/
What other encounters have I missed? Are the numbers of snake-eating-human events (still rare!) increasing due to continued movement of humans into wild places, or do we just hear more about these events now because of wider internet access? 10/10
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