As the @CASsummit2021 #AdaptationSummit is kicked of by Dutch @MinPres it is good to emphasize what a huge undertaking such adaptation is, even for a country that is proud of winning land from the sea!
Any of these solutions require gigantic redirection of resources @Lijnonline
much is still unknown or undecided, the current system of distributing funding without strategic steering will not get us to these answers fast enough, as @albert_polman clearly states here
(Mono)disciplinary research has not brought us to the solutions of this crisis in the past 30 years, and it unlikely to be sufficient for the next decades
These are more extracts from a panel discussion I have talked about before
it is not funny at all that the news about such an important discussion for the future of this land #AdaptationSummit is buried under the horrible images of burning cars in defiance to measures taken to overcome a deadly pandemic!
But there is no alternative to vigilantly responding to these short-, mid- and long-term crises *at the same time*.
There is so much destruction caused by years of negligence to these interlinked systems

that it only gets worse, I am afraid, before it can get better.
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