1. I spoke to Josh McAlister today. He told me that the DfE terms of reference for Review, which only make a passing reference to supporting children leaving care and care leavers, were only guidance. He fully intends to include care experienced people of all ages in Review >
2. Josh McAlister said that he intends to issue much more detailed guidance once in post in March & will seek to reach out to care experienced people of all ages, wherever they are, in all their diversity. That's very reassuring indeed. Looking at ways now how this might be done.
3. Josh MacAlister accepted that the information on the web site about the interviews for Experts of Experience wasn't good enough. He was clear that he does not intend that care experienced people should be interviewed at all about their life in care.>
4. Josh MacAlister told me that he doesn't necessarily see the Expert by Experience panel being just for care experienced people in spite of its title. He is looking for an advisory group consisting of people who have advocated for or been involved in improving care services. >
5. Josh MacAlister told me that he is happy to consider "reference groups" of people with particular backgrounds to offer specialist support in key areas. He also hopes to look at children in the juvenile secure estate as part of Review.
6. A major issue for me in meeting Josh MacAlister was how he felt review would identify, recognise & engage care experienced people of all ages wherever they're found - on the streets, in custody, in unregulated settings, in health care settings etc. >
7. Josh MacAlister said that he is committed to engage with the care experienced community & hopes to support community & care experienced groups to manage gatherings of care experienced people in all their diversity across the country. >
8. Josh MacAlister said he'd consider supporting on line groups on which care experienced folk of different age groups, or in custodial settings, or homeless etc, could engage with support. There are potential roles for support groups to set up such forums to offer a platform>
9. Josh MacAlister would encourage specialist community groups similarly to support homeless young people, young people struggling in the community, or those in custody to engage with the Review. He will speak with the Scottish and New Zealand care reviews about consultation.
10. I ought to say that I sought Josh MacAlister's consent to share our discussions today. All the things shared were with his prior consent. (End)
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