As a reminder, there is no law stopping schools opening. There is no health and safety law stopping them opening.
It is a policy decision by Heads and local authorities. By contrast, Education Act 1996 s13 provides a positive duty to provide efficient education. #ReopenSchools
And the schools could, of course, refuse wages to teachers who refuse to show up to teach. No work, no pay, no furlough bribes.
About time more teachers and heads spoke out against the union leaders.
And Union arguments under the Employment Rights Act 1996 s.44 are misconceived.
“serious and imminent danger” phrase from EU regs refers to sort of circs needed to evacuate a building, NOT circs of a rampant coronavirus or very nasty flu pre 2020. The law has not changed.
And the Education Secretary has chosen not to exercise the power to direct schools to close. It remains, as per the govt’s defence when challenged in Court re lockdown 1.0, a request, not a direction.
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