Everyone in all my chats are talking about how bad the trolls are lately.

Here's the thing I have to keep reminding myself -

We won. Biden won.

We don't have to have these arguments anymore.

We don't have to convince voters that Medicare for All is a bad idea and that it doesn't stand for all universal healthcare.

We don't have to respond when they say "Democrats want people to die."

It's over. Let ignorant people think what they want.

We don't have to convince anyone ACA is better, or why it's more likely to pass.

We already won that argument.

We can ignore their stupid polls about M4A they don't even understand.

ACA is the foundation of the Biden plan, and that's the plan the American people voted for.

We don't have to argue about Hillary or Biden or any of their smears or lies or attempts at oppo.

It's 2021. The election is over. Biden and Kamala Harris are in the WH and Bernie is back on the bench where he belongs.

Let them say what they want. It only reflects on Bernie.
It's easy to get sucked in. Happens to me all the time.

But we don't need to voluntarily climb onto their hamster wheel.

There were important conversations to have.

But we don't have to persuade voters anymore. We can leave Bernie holdouts to stew in their own misery.

So I'm going to start ignoring them.

Most of them aren't real people, and the ones who are aren't anyone who matters.

They're just bitter fan boys trying to reconcile their wasted lives with the reality that it was all for nothing. Bernie never was, and never will be.

It's annoying. Their claims that "Bernie the Budget Chair" is a gatekeeper of the budget who can override Schumer or Biden or literally anyone are laughable.

But I don't have to convince anyone of that. Let them walk around in stupid t-shirts

They will find out soon enough.

Let them fight the last war.

We don't have to defend the Democrats or Kamala or Joe Biden or Nancy or Hillary or ANYONE to them anymore.

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.

And I'm not going to either.

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