On Jimmy Dore thread 1: Black radical George Jackson organized with white racist prisoners for better prison conditions and said: "I'm always telling the brothers that some of these whites are willing to work with us against the pigs. All they got to do is stop talking honky."
2: How many know who George Jackson is? Or that Malcolm X said: "And I, for one, will join in with anyone — I don't care what color you are — as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists on this earth"?
3: But I see people want to be mad at Jimmy Dore for investigating this trend, but don't know anything about the history of struggle. They don't engage with politics, they just engage in their own insular prison cells they call liberalism and "leftism."
4. Most of these folks haven't spent a minute fighting racism. They haven't opposed wars, mass incarceration, or police violence, NADA. Sorry but I want white leftists out there to engage with white people about opposing wars and police violence. We can debate ideology from here!
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