1/ Meantime, overdose death figures are coming in for 2020. They are horrific. Maricopa County (Phoenix), had at least 700 more deaths in 2020 than 2019, with 550 more to be investigated. That’s ONE (large) county. Cook County (Chicago) also expects deaths to rise at least 750...
2/ San Francisco reports 699 overdose deaths - a rise of ~60%, and nearly one death for each 1,000 residents.

It is now obvious that the rise in overdose deaths (not the total number, just the rise) in the US will # outstrip the overall #Covid death toll in people under 50...
3/ That comparison takes no account of OTHER lockdown deaths - Or the fact that #Covid deaths are substantially overcounted in people under 50 (I have lots of examples, and the death certificate matching practically guarantees it).

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