With new COVID-19 variants out there, it's time to do some mask maintenance. I asked some epidemiologists about what we need to know about masks, a year into the pandemic. This comes as the Biden admin takes an aggressive stance on encouraging their use. /thread
As some European countries encourage people to upgrade to medical-grade masks, the U.S. is focused on encouraging people to wear them at all. And public health experts warn that N95s are still in short supply. Instead, there are ways you can upgrade with what you have already.
😷 Fit is important 😷

One expert told me that you should focus on what how well your mask fits. Is the elastic tight to your face? Can you use wiring around your nose?
😷 Double masking and filters 😷

You want to create an obstacle course for the virus, one expert told me. You can do so by wearing two masks at once, effectively multi-layers. Surgical masks, which are in greater supply, are a good way to filter if worn under a cloth mask.
😷Filters (continued) 😷

Other filters can be bought online or at stores. Vacuum bags and coffee filters also work, one expert suggested.
This stuff can be scary, but experts stress that doing these things--wearing your mask regularly and continuing to distance and stay home if you can--can help.

To echo Dr. Fauci last week: "If you properly wear a mask, then you'll be OK."
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