Utilities need to put their money where their mouth is, and start investing in the clean energy future. So far, despite all their pledges, they’re moving way too slow.

Honored to be part of this new report from @SierraClub. What did we find? THREAD! 🧵
We looked at the top 50 utilities, which generate the most power from fossil fuels—coal and gas.

We gave them a grade based on plans to:
1) retire coal by 2030
2) stop building new gas plants
3) start building clean energy.

How did they do? Most utilities failed the test.
These dirty utilities are not cleaning up their act fast enough.

As @sustainablejohn, Cara Bottoroff and I found, there is so much new gas in the pipeline. Only 4 utilities are doing what is necessary to limit warming to 1.5 °C.

Congress must act, passing an 80% by 2030 CES!
Many utilities are greenwashing with meaningless pledges. How do we know? We compared utilities with pledges to those without.

These utilities were almost indistinguishable on the things that matter: coal retirements, moving away from gas + building clean power.
Don't just take our words for it! Check out the amazing, underlying data that @sustainablejohn and Cara put together.

This is the first time that this data has been put together, allowing us to get a comprehensive view of utilities' plans. https://public.tableau.com/profile/john.romankiewicz#!/vizhome/Utilitydashboard/Story1
I learned a lot writing this report with @SierraClub. And if you read it, I think you'll learn a lot too!

Let's make 2021 the year that our utilities finally became clean energy champions! Let's get Congress to pass a CES, for 80% clean by 2030!
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